Thursday, September 15, 2016

Video Summary: Marian Bantjes

Marian Bantjes is a Canadian designer, typographer and illustrator.  Everything about her is fascinating, from her work to her individual style to her personal story.  Marian was an art school dropout and found a job as a typesetter at a publishing company.  She worked for many years as a graphic designer at the design firm Digitopolis, but eventually became disenchanted with the client-based model of design strategy.  After leaving the company Marian moved to a remote location on Bowen Island, where she focused on personal projects, wrote furiously on the design blog Speak Up, and eventually found her own creative voice around age 40.

Following the personal mantra "Everything I do, I do for love," Valentine's Day became Marian's "thing," and she continues to create incredible custom valentines every year.  She has since become a wildly successful and sought-after designer who always follows her own personal ideas and instincts, rather than catering to the client.  Marian has published a book entitled I Wonder, constructed in the style of illuminated manuscript.  She is described by her colleagues as having an "obvious obsession," as copious amounts of time, love and attention are apparent in all her work.  Marian advocates for the fusion and inclusion of fine art in the commercial world, and for working against what's expected.

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