Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Video Summary: Margo Chase

Margo Chase is a Los Angeles-based graphic designer with years of experience in many different aspects of the design field.  She initially started working in the music business designing album covers for major artists including Madonna, Cher and Paula Abdul.  Margo's mother was a calligrapher, and her signature gothic design style is influenced by the heavy, bold typeface of calligraphy.  She has developed several gothic style fonts and often uses traditional calligraphy hand tools and Japanese brushes in her work.  Margo is perhaps best known for designing the movie poster for Bram Stoker's Dracula.

Margo founded her own successful design firm in the mid-eighties, Chase Design Group, and has since branched out to offer branding, packaging, interior design and more.  The Chase Design Group office is currently located in an old renovated warehouse in the Silverlake neighborhood of LA.  The open space, graffiti covered walls and library loft filled with vintage art books make it an ideal place to work and create. 

Margo Chase serves as an inspiration for designers everywhere, with her unique style, extensive experience and versatility within the design world. 

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